OVER WHAT HILL – Pep Rally For Peptides



While you might have heard of them, do you actually know what they are? To put it simply, they are basically just small proteins. Proteins and peptides are fundamental components of cells that carry out important biological functions. Proteins give cells their shape, for example, and they respond to signals transmitted from the extracellular environment.

The Tides of Time

Certain types of peptides play key roles in regulating the activities of other molecules. Structurally, proteins and peptides are very similar, being made up of chains of amino acids that are held together. Peptides have many functions in the body, some act like neurotransmitters, others like hormones. Many control and influence how our bodies react to diet and physical exercise. To date, over 7,000 naturally occurring peptides have been identified in our bodies. That’s a lot of signaling going on.

It Grows on You

There are also several amino acids that are necessary in sufficient amount to produce hormones like human growth hormone (HGH). HGH has effects on body composition, not just growth. People who have a significant HGH deficiency, generally due to pituitary disease, have increased body fat and decreased muscle mass and decreased bone density. There have since been numerous claims that HGH is the “anti-aging miracle. There are studies cited by physicians who feel that lower levels of HGH in aging adults results in diminished energy, muscle loss and decreased tissue repair. These studies have shown some positive effects in individuals whose HGH levels are brought up to the levels considered normal for young individuals. The benefits of peptides can:

  • Increase muscle mass and burn fat
  • Improve skin elasticity
  • Potentially protect and heal people with cardiac dysfunction and abnormalities
  • Treat sexual dysfunction in both men and women
  • Decrease body fat
  • Improve injury healing
  • Reduce hunger levels
  • Give more stamina
  • Increase mental focus
  • Increase bone density
  • Provide deeper sleep
  • Grow fuller hair
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Decrease joint and muscle pain.

Just to name a few uppers of upping your peptides and HGH.

You Might Not “Get ‘Em”, But You’ll Be Glad You Have ‘Em

You know how science and all those scientific names can boggle anyone’s imagination, but here are a few Peptide Therapies that are real stunners:

  • Hexarelin
  • AOD 9604
  • Bremelanotide PT 141
  • Tesamorelin
  • GHRP-2
  • Ipamorelin
  • Sermorelin

You won’t have to know how to spell them in a spelling bee or even how to remember what they are. What you should know is that there is a specialist in Peptide Therapy, that understands it all inside out; Stephen A. Goldstein MD, F.A.C.S. at Denver Hormone Health. Dr. Goldstein has had endless experience in hormone replacement therapy, but his skill in knowing which Peptide therapy is exactly what you need, is equally unrivaled.

Just one appointment and you’ll find out for yourself…

You’re younger than your used to be.

OVER WHAT HILL – Put on Your Anti-Aging Caps


Do Tel

On the very flip side of anti-aging miracle creams and products is where you’ll find the real truth about anti-aging. They’re called “telomeres”. We inherit telomeres from our parents, but no matter the length of our telomeres at birth, everyone’s get shorter as they age. Telomeres are essential for the health of chromosomes. Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes.

Put on Your Anti-Aging Caps

Think of telomeres like the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces. (that’s science you don’t need a doctorate to understand, right?)  Without the coating, shoelaces become frayed until they can no longer do their job. In the same way, without telomeres, DNA strands become damaged and our cells can’t do their job. DNA makes up all of the cells in our body. It is the genetic material that makes us who we are. And every organ in our body (skin, liver, heart, etc.) is made up of cells. So, telomeres are vital to our health.

The Short and Shorter of It

When we use the analogy ” frayed shoelaces”, we really mean that the telomeres become shortened. Eventually, they can no longer do their job. They shorten as we age, but they can also be shortened by stress, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and poor diet. In any case, telomeres act as the aging clock in every cell.

Each time a cell divides, its telomeres become shorter. After years of splicing and dicing, telomeres become too short for more divisions. At this point, cells are unable to divide further and become inactive, die or continue dividing anyway — an abnormal process that’s potentially dangerous.

It Can Grow on You

While your cell clock is ticking, there are things you can do that have been shown to actually lengthen telemores.

-Control and reduce stress- in a person under huge stress, cells can behave as if 10 years shorter

-Exercise regularly-people who do regular (but not crazed exercise) have been 3% less likely to have super short telomeres than a person who didn’t exercise at all- the more intense the exercise the longer the telomeres.

-Eat a range of foods for antioxidant and vitamin benefits. A diet high in antioxidant foods like berries and artichokes can slow down aging and help prevent or reduce cell damage.

Try meditation and yoga-there are even studies that have found yoga and meditation maintained telomere length in breast cancer patients.

So, all is not lost. There’s another key player in the game: telomerase. Telomerase is an enzyme that lengthens telomeres and keeps them from wearing out too fast or too early. Exposing human cells to telomerase slows cell aging and allows cells to begin copying again and longer telomeres cause gene expression to change to a younger phenotype (phenotype is how genetic and environmental influences come together to create an organism’s physical appearance and behavior) which makes cells function as though they were younger.

Trying to explain telomerase further here might cause your “huh?” button to want to click away, so just know that telomerase is something that can help.

The Real Science Story

There is a definite science to aging. And while aging is inevitable, how old it makes you feel is optional. A lot is involved in the process. Yes, the telomeres that are at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes, will shorten with age. If you allow the process to continue, you can count on the cells that die to create real physical problems. Fortunately, the process can be reversed. The length of telomeres can be extended with Peptide Therapy. It is important to know that there isn’t just one Peptide Therapy option. There are many, because each person is different. And no one is better able to determine which option is the one exactly for you, than Stephen A. Goldstein MD, F.A.C.S. at Denver Hormone Health. For years, patients have counted on Dr. Goldstein for his expertise and experience with hormone therapy. But his skill with Peptide Therapy options, rivals that. The benefits are many, and you’ll be amazed at all they can do to take years off your years.

Call now, and keep this in mind; feeling young is appropriate for any age.

OVER WHAT HILL – Anti-Aging Hoo-Ha

Anti-aging industry

A lot of people (female and male) must be buying into the Millennial trash attack if you consider that the global market for anti-aging products and services is expected to grow from $281.6 billion in 2015 to $331.3 billion in 2020. So much for growing old gracefully. There are products for every age range, teens to 50+ (now 70+). From $5 to $500 +. Balms, creams, gels, liquids, loose powder, lotions, masks, mousse, oils, scrubs, serums, sprays, wipes…new something-or-others every day.

Can the Scam

Anti-aging quackery and hucksterism are pervasive on the Internet. Ad and marketing mavens come up with names, promises and “secret” ingredients. (Hello, proof, please.) All these would-be miracles are referred to as the science of anti-aging, while you should really think of them as scientific breakdowns. Those “Doctors” (antonym; actors) in those white coats promising you the forever sought after fountain of youth? Our advice?

“Duck the Quacks”.

Trial, Trial and Trial Again

Run, run and run again. As far away from these temptations as possible. Unfortunately, there is a very deceptive, dark side to these offers, one that most people miss and don’t discover until they notice the exorbitant and monthly recurring charges appear on their credit card statements. “But the photos, you say”. Instagram, Pinterest or Snapchat filters, anyone? utube testimonials, should be called “are you kidding?” claims. Another bit of advice; Beware “Bogus”.

It’s About Time

A promise we can make, is that there is absolutely no magic in any exorbitantly priced and promoted anti-aging products. If you’re feeling the years (and that could be as young as in your 40’s), there is real help in fighting off how much older you’re starting to feel; peptides; peptides have many functions in the body.  Some act like neurotransmitters, others function like hormones. There are also several amino acids that are necessary in sufficient amount to produce hormones like human growth hormone. If you aren’t absorbing or making enough of those amino acids, your production of that hormone will be lowered. That’s where Peptide Therapy comes in. And that’s when you need to see Stephen A. Goldstein MD, F.A.C.S. at Denver Hormone Health. No one in the Denver area knows more about hormone replacement therapy, and no one is better able to determine which of the many Peptide Therapy options is right for you. After caringly and carefully discussing any symptoms you may be experiencing, from increased body fat to a lowered sex drive, Dr. Goldstein will prescribe the exact Peptide Therapy option to help you turn things around so that you don’t feel older than you are.

Don’t wait to call for an appointment now.

And feel young at a lot more than your heart.